This online catalogue is a reference tool that uses open source VuFind software to provide complete, easy access to the collection of the Artium Library and Documentation Centre. The catalogue provides bibliographic information about its documents, as well as about their location and availability. This latest version has also integrated the repository of Artium's activities and the Museum's photographic archives. These and other materials can be selected from the homepage.
The catalogue provides a basic search on its homepage by default, an advanced search for more complex searches, an alphabetical search in which you can browse the catalogue and, lastly, a search for new items to locate any recent acquisitions. You can select your desired search from the menus at the top and bottom of the screen.
In addition, you can choose from the main types of materials available on the homepage.
There is no need to include any diacritical marks, accents, umlauts, etc. in your search terms or make these case sensitive.
Any term that you enter is considered to be a search term: one or more words, numbers, a line of characters, etc.
There is no need to fill in a complete field. Although the more search terms that are introduced, the more relevant the results will be. You can search by using a single field or by several at a time, although in the latter case the "All fields" option must be chosen.
The basic search appears by default when accessing the catalogue and it works from a single search criterion. It is suitable for simple searches when you would like to know if the library possesses a specific title, what documents it has by a particular author or on a topic, or to search for one or more words.
Click the magnifying glass icon or press Enter to launch a search.
The advanced search allows you to combine various criteria in the same action and search the system using fields that are not available in the basic search, such as content note or series.
Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) can be used to define the relationship between the terms entered in your search. The actions they carry out are as follows:
AND: Retrieve entries containing all the entered search terms. This option is set by default.
OR: Retrieve entries that contain at least one of these terms, or both.
NOT: Retrieve entries that do not contain any of these terms. You can also perform searches that contain one term but not another by adding search groups.
This type of search explores catalogue indexing. Simply enter the beginning of the first term or the first terms of the sequence to use this search option, although you have to omit the initial article in the "Title" field. In the "Author" field, the surname is usually the initial element by which the search is to be performed. But there are cases in which this is not applicable: names of artistic groups, Chinese surnames, etc. Finally, the "Subject" field tracks the standardised terms describing the content of the document.
Once the search is complete, you will obtain an alphabetically ordered list to choose the most suitable result.
The search for new items allows you to search for any recent acquisitions incorporated into the library and can be filtered by date of registration in the system and/or type of material.
The result screen shows a maximum of 10 items ordered by most recent acquisitions, although another ordering criterion can be chosen. You have to use the arrows and numbers at the top and bottom of the page to access the following items (or the previous items as you advance forward).
The results appear in a summarised format, including the necessary data for their identification. Information is also provided on their location (in the library or in storage), document number and availability. Simply click on the title to obtain a complete view of the item.
This is the most visual way to browse through the results, which can be done by selecting any of the images that appear on the result screen. Besides viewing and downloading the image with the highest resolution available, some of the registration information is also accessed.
On the right hand side of the screen, you have the option to filter the obtained results in order to narrow these down and obtain the most relevant entries. They can be filtered by type of document, author, subject, people and institutions, as well as place, language, genre and year of publication. Various criteria can be simultaneously combined. To eliminate these, simply click on the blue filter tab and it will be immediately deactivated.
The VuFind shelf allows you to group selected documents and perform various actions with them. The entry can be sent by email or exported, printed or saved to lists of favourites. You simply need to register to be able to use the "Add to favourites" option.
In this screen you can obtain the most complete information about a document, which can be found in both the central and lower tabs (Description, Collections, MARC Format). You can also leave a comment, cite the entry or share it on social media, as well as send it by email, print it or save it to your lists of favourites. The system will also suggest similar titles that may be helpful to you for additional searches.
This is the most visual way to access the entry. You can view it and download it in the highest available resolution simply by clicking on the image, as well as also obtaining some information about the document.
Library members can register to renew their loans, reserve items, manage their favourites and see if they have any outstanding fines. They can also access their user profile data.
You need to log in with a username and password to perform any of these operations. In case you have forgotten these, please contact the library and we will provide them to you.
Once you have registered, you have to log in to the "My library" section to be able to renew your loans, reserve items, manage your favourites or see if you have any outstanding fines.
If you want to create a list of favourites, you can select and organise the lists of documents that interest you. This way you can access them once you have registered without having to perform the search again. Remember that you must register in order to use this option.